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"Expect the Best" Mike

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Real Estate Cooking in Lansing Michigan, Real Estate Laws That Is.

New legislation is being introduced, often to late these days. Here 's one example of the new requirements that mortgage brokers will have, which should have been done years ago to prevent the fraud that took place between 2001 and 2006. better late than never. Part of the bailout programs and economic stimulus being introduced by congress over the past couple of months are also a good long read, if your up for the juggling act. In the end, I think we will all learn something from this fiasco of a real estate market. One thing I already know is that strong will survive and come out of this with a new appreciation on life, homeownership, and what greed has done to the U.S. economy.
Now that the sun will shine around Lansing Michigan for the next few months we may start reducing some inventory to balance things out. Activity has picked up somewhat over the past few weeks, rates are stable, and as I always say, there has never been a better time to buy a home.
"expect the Best" Mike

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